Thursday, January 03, 2008

What to do when a student loan telemarketer calls - Part 1

We’ve all gotten those calls from telemarketers. Yes, those pesky people who famously call during the wee minutes of our scrumptious dinner to try and sell everything but the kitchen sink. Futilely, I may add, since the only thing most of them draw from us is an expletive and maybe a “not interested” followed by a dramatic hang-up.

Slick-monotone-hard-to-understand-robot: This is picture that is commonly painted of our rarely American telemarketer friend. Not surprisingly, the once tolerate job of a telephone sales representative has almost become a stigma in American culture.

Telemarketers love the student loan industry and for good reason.

True, Telemarketers can call at the absolute worst times selling anything from credit cards, to vacation plans and time shares. Now, if you are one of those lucky ducks with student loans or in need of student loans, then you probably have had your fair share of calls about consolidating your loans or getting more loans, as well. But, let me say, don’t let the thought of telemarketer on the phone leave a bad taste in your mouth about student loans or student loan consolidation. Student Loans are making it possible for millions of Americans to attend college and achieve their goals, while consolidating your student loans is thought by many to be one of the best ways to manage your student loans after college.

In fact, consolidation and student loans can both give you many money-saving benefits including a lower interest rate, lower monthly payments, and even borrower incentives. So speaking to the right person on the phone can really be worth the time. And what I mean by right person is speak with a Student Loan Consultant, someone who is specifically trained to be an expert on the subject of student loans and whose sole purpose is to help student loan borrowers in need of student loans or better loan management.

A Student Loan Telemarketer is not the same as a Student Loan Consultant

Though both may call you, it’s important to know the difference between a telemarketer and a student loan consultant. A telemarketer says and does what they’re told to, while a student loan consultant’s main role is customer service and satisfaction. Many times, if you get a great student loan consultant on the phone, they’ll be happy to inform you of everything you ever wanted to know about student loan consolidation and the options available to manage your loans after college better. A good student loan consultant is happy to answer your questions because they genuinely want to help.

So choosing to consolidate your loans shouldn’t be the biggest issue, it’s with WHOM you should consolidate that should be your concern. After all, consolidation puts you into a relationship with your lender for years to come and the student loan consultant you speak to can be a good indicator of the type of company they represent, and who you will be dealing with.

Make sure to work with a company whose telephone representatives are real Student Loan Consultants, such as in the case of OneSimpleLoan which is offically listed as a Dun & Bradstreet Student Loan Consulting Firm.

Visit to learn more about the OneSimpleLoan service difference.