Most Private student loan lenders have a variety of Private student loans available for college students in different areas or lengths of study. Many Private loan lenders will even lend to parents of students who are in non-public elementary schools or secondary schools.
Although each Private loan lender has their own line of Private student loans available for lending, those listed below are commonly available by most. Keep in mind also that each Private loan lender has its own list of eligible schools so make sure to apply for a Private loan with a lender for which your school is eligible.
Common types of student loans that most Private student loan lenders offer:
Undergraduate Private Loans – Generally speaking, these loans are available to students who attend undergraduate colleges and career, technical, and trade schools across the nation and who will be attending their school of choice and usually be attending at least half-time.
Continuing Education Private Loans – These loans are generally available to part-time (less than half-time) students who attend schools across the nation. This includes students that are completing a degree or certification program or taking classes to further their career or personal development.
Graduate/Professional and Bar Study Private Loans – These loans are generally available to students pursuing advanced degrees at participating colleges and universities across the nation. Students must usually attend at least half-time.
K-12 Education Private loan – These loans are generally to parents or other adult sponsors (relatives or friends) of children who attend participating non-public elementary schools across the nation including private, religious, preparatory, military or special education schools.
For more information on Private Student Loans visit