Sure, your student loans get you through college but don’t you just wish they would go away after graduation? I mean, after college you’re ready to get move on with you life and pursue your dreams. The last thing you want lagging behind you for years is your student loans.
But have no fear students and grads, because there is a way to get rid of the hassle of dealing with your student loans after college, and let me tell you, it could really change your life for the better!
Student Loan Consolidation, a Federally-backed program, lets you take all your student loans, all your high interest rates and all your payments and transform them into one simple manageable repayment package. What student loan solution could be better than that!
Some of the benefits of student loan consolidation:
When you consolidate your student loans, you no longer have to think about when and to whom you owe money to. Consolidation will simplify your life by transforming all your loans into one simple manageable repayment package created just for you thereby giving you just one new loan and one new lender. Furthermore, you can consolidate multiple Federal and Private student loans into just two consolidation loans, thereby minimizing the amount of loans.
Consolidation can offer you a low interest rate, so you can stop paying different rates to different lenders for different student loans. No more worries about facing the possibility of an escalating interest rate every year! A consolidation loan takes the average interest rate of all your open loans and that average, usually lower, would be your new interest rate!
On top of an already low interest rate, many student loan consolidation companies, like OneSimpleLoan for example, offer borrowers a money-saving interest rate reduction for making your monthly payments via secure auto-pay from your checking or savings account.
The interest you pay on your new consolidation loan may be tax deductible! An annual tax deduction of up to $2,500 is available for interest paid on tax qualified education loans. Visit or contact your tax advisor for more information.
Consolidating your student loans may also improve your credit score. Because student loans constitute money owed, having many outstanding loans could adversely affect your payment history and your outstanding debt, which compromises part of your total credit score. By consolidating your student loans, your many loans become just one new consolidation loan, thereby minimizing your debt image. By improving your credit score many students may be more likely to qualify for many post-college comforts such as getting an apartment, house, or new car since credit scores play a major role in determining whether or not you qualify for such luxuries.
As you can see, it’s obvious that based on the benefits, consolidating your student loans could easily save you thousands of dollars in fees you are now or might soon be paying in higher interest rates and high monthly payments. However, there are some situations where consolidation may not be advantageous. That’s when speaking to reputable student loan consultants such as those at OneSimpleLoan may be beneficial to you.
All in all, who couldn’t use a couple thousand extra dollars in their pocket? That extra money coupled with the possibility of an improved credit score could help you buy a new car, put a down payment on a house, or even move to the big city in pursuit of your dream job after college.
So, if there’s anything you should consider after graduation, it’s exploring the possibility of consolidating your student loans and you could see just how different your life can be after you do!